Homo Erectus
The manifesto to say the least blasphemous had already aroused controversy in 2017; work of the street artist Hogre, the graphic is titled Homo Erectus, in clear reference to the erection of the member of the Messiah in front of a child kneeling in front of him. The posters had appeared in the space reserved for the ATAC bus stops in Rome and specifically in the San Giovanni, Trastevere and Testaccio districts. Together with Erectus, another poster appeared, entitled Immaculata Conceptio … In Vitro which advocates the cause of surrogacy for LGBT couples. Lately, Hogre has been involved in papering Rome with a "support" stencil at La Casa delle Donne Lucha y Siesta, "A material and symbolic place of women's self-determination against all gender discrimination".
Melons: "Via this lousy"
According to reports The weather, Fabrizio Ghera, leader of the Brothers of Italy to the Lazio Region, has already denounced the reappearance of this manifesto and, moreover, in an exhibition space forming part of the Museums circuit in the Municipality of Rome: “The poster affixed to the exterior of the Macro of Rome, Museum of Contemporary Art of the Capital, it is an unheard of shame. This morning, when we went there, we noticed a vulgar image that depicts a child kneeling before Jesus Christ, the latter in a clear state of excitement and with the hand at the head of the bimbor. It is unacceptable that such stuff should be exposed to the public, in an important museum of the city – also with public funds – and also frequented by families ”. Ghera therefore invokes an intervention by the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi: "As Brothers of Italy we ask the mayor Rays of urgently remove the blasphemous poster, unworthy and offensive not only to Christians but also to Rome ”. A little while ago Giorgia Meloni also expressed herself on the subject on Facebook: "Mayor Raggi removes IMMEDIATELY this disgust exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome" writes the leader of the Brothers of Italy: "I can not understand how anyone could authorize a massacre of this gravity in a municipal museum of Eternal City. This shame must disappear immediately and the perpetrators be sanctioned ".
Two weights and two measures
In 2017 the artist Hogre seems to have risked the arrest (or a fine) for this manifesto, because according to the Italian law there is the crime of "offense to the religion of the State by insulting things". Nothing was known about the sentence, on the other hand the religious sensibility and the simple good taste of others was again offended – this time with the frame of a public museum.
Ilaria Paoletti
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