The proof is given simply in reiterating that the reform of the Mes is still modifiable. Conte, however, he forgets not only the words of his minister Roberto Gualtieri, who had actually explained in the committee hearing that it could not amend what was decided by theEurogroup, but also of what was said by the Prime Minister himself. Which first says that no definitive agreement has been made, then says that the ministers knew and were all agreed and now it reveals to Italy the fact that there is nothing decided, that everything is still possible and that the parliament can decide. Also because the document published on June 21 by the European Council precisely on the revision of the Mes treaty speaks of the wider convergence between governments on the changes to the European stability mechanism. How this text, from inemendabile on which it was full convergence, has become all of a sudden changeable, it is a mystery that unlikely knows only Conte.
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