Some parliamentarians of the PD, we read, would be "fueling the revolt of the M5s groups in view of the D-day of 26 January". It's election day regional in Emilia Romagna and a possible defeat of the outgoing governor Stefano Bonaccini (del Pd) "could provoke the catastrophe". In summary: according to the dimaiani the Pd, in anticipation of its own defeat, prepares the ground to make sure that the 5 Stars are to make the government fall the next day". Twisted? Hold on tight, because you travel even more in the hyperuranium of conspiracy: "The great fear is that the Democratic Party wants to take advantage of Di Maio's solitude to prepare a turnaround it's a change of leadership". The passwords would be" psychological terrorism "and"scorched earth"around the former vice-premier. A pressing savage on the dissident grillini and all because, after all, going to the vote tomorrow, with a Movement in crisis, would agree to the Democratic Party. To those who read and are far from the Roman Palaces there will be a doubt: but none Do you have the courage to declare once and for all the crisis of this unfortunate government?
In the video of Agenzia Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev, De Micheli admits the clash between Pd and M5s on the prescription
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