"But you can't change this Mes? ". Who knows how many times he asked for it Luigi Di Maio to Giuseppe Conte. The leader of M5s and the premier are both aware that on State Savings Fund not only the future of the Italians is played, but in a much shorter time the future of the Giallorossi government. The grillini are skeptical, if not directly opposed, while the Pd supports the European agreement. IS Osho, on the front page on Time, imagine a meeting on the edge of desperation between Di Maio, Conte and the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, democratic.
Also read: "If you're interested, in January …". Conte side by side with Rutelli: does he remain unemployed?
In the satirical photo, Di Maio asks for the change and the disconsolate premier explains to him that "the receipt is gone". Had it been so easy, maybe the government would find a solution. Instead we laughed so as not to cry in front of a country in the hands of a majority unable to find points of agreement.
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