ROME – The Pope calls it a "social sin". To divide the citizens into Serie A and Series B. On the world day of disability, Francis launches a warning for the "exiles", all those who are forced to stay at home because of their physical conditions, which often become "bulky" for those around them. And at the same time, Prime Minister Conte announces a permanent office at Palazzo Chigi for people with disabilities from 1 January 2020. An example quoted by the Minister of Sports and Youth Policy Vincenzo Spadafora is Bebe Vio.
The Pontiff warns: "A person with a disability, to build himself, needs not only to exist but also to belong to a community. I encourage all those who work with people with disabilities to continue in this important service and commitment, which determines the degree of civilization of a nation ".
And he continues: "I think of people of all ages, above all the elderly, who, also because of disability, are sometimes felt as a burden and risk being rejected, seeing themselves denied concrete job prospects to participate in building their own future". And the laws, however necessary, are not enough, because they must change the mentality.But there are still many problems to overcome, as an analysis by the European Union of cooperatives (Uecoop) points out. In Italy, two out of three schools have physical barriers that hinder the attendance of disabled pupils, due to the lack of elevators suitable for bathrooms, while over 165,000 children with psychomotor problems are followed by support teachers with a ratio of 1.5 pupils per teacher. Although over 12 thousand social and public and private educational cooperatives work in this field.
Carlo Verdelli
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