Since the beginning of October, the company has undergone four production stops. Of the first two the damages have already been quantified: turnover lost for around 650,000 pieces not produced, in addition to 60 thousand euros of live costs for the disposal of unusable raw materials. Friday 8 a summit
It is increasingly urgent to find a solution and to do so all those involved have to confront each other, without exception – declares Dario Roncadin, managing director of the frozen pizza company of Meduno -. Friday, November 8th, at 11am, we were invited by the Nip Consortium for a comparison.
In the afternoon of Thursday 7th Roncadin also invited Hydrogea and the Healthcare Company to join the concertation table, because it considers their presence fundamental to arrive at a coordinated and resolutive plan in a short time and defined in synergy.
For our part, we are working to study alternative solutions that allow us to guarantee the continuity of our activity ".
Starting from the beginning of October, due to the turbidity phenomena of the water following meteorological events, Roncadin underwent four production stops.
Of the first two (2-3 October and 17-18 October) the damages have already been quantified: turnover lost for around 650,000 pieces not produced, in addition to 60 thousand euros of live costs for the disposal of unusable raw materials, cleaning and other .
Tons of goods and dough have been thrown away because they are presumably not suitable for marketing in the distribution chain. Another major damage derives from the impossibility of programming production with the continuation of the emergency.
Roncadin, at the threshold of a period of great demand for its products, risks not being able to honor the commitments with Italian and international retailers, going to face sanctions and undermining relationships built over the years.
Roncadin was born in 1992 for the production of quality Italian pizza for large national and international distribution. Today over 600 people work in the company and the 2018 turnover was 104 million euros. Pizzas and snacks are made with an exclusive patented method and with the use of 100% sustainable energy.
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