18.11.2019 – 20.00 – They hadn't taken into account the weather conditions that they were getting worse and undeterred, he had decided to give himself one trip in a tent but perhaps they had better put it off. The protagonists of the story are three 19-year-old boys that you put the curtains in Piancavallo area, near the Baita Arneri, after having held out one night camped in the cold, have wisely decided to abandon their "vacation". Unfortunately, due to a principle of hypothermia, they failed to go that far and have therefore had to request assistance intervention. Found shelter at nearby hut, tramite the single number 112, they contacted the Fire Brigade who came to their aid. The Firemen immediately started sending two departures, one from Maniago and one specialist team from Pordenone, to reach the cabin and bring the young to safety. THE specialists of the Speleo-Alpine-River service and an Alpine Rescue unit, which arrived first on site they gave them their first care, providing to heat them with thermal sheets and then to accompany them downstream, safe and sound.

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