The last is from Del Neri, just yesterday …
"Having to reach the top by force conditions, need time …".
When we talk about Milan the litany is always this. Need time …
Colantuono is added: "Pegs should be given time".
Carrera could not miss: "Milan, to recover there's still time"
Replica of the gazette: "Milan, the time has come to let Suso rest". I would say: "It was time …"
Gazidis made a mantra in the speech prepared for the members' assembly: "We will make mistakes, but the path is long and will take time".
"We need to keep costs under control and improve the team in time".
"… does not mean that we will not invest in experienced leaders who can guide young people …". Yeah, but I guess we'll have to find the right ones, and how to say … will take time.
"… I am not foolish enough to think that it will be a quick and fast route; need time … ".
"I want to be clear and transparent about the difficulties we have encountered and we will meet, but the determination is clear and unquestionable today, and it is to bring Milan back to competitiveness, restore pride for this club …". You understand, over time.
"I will do everything possible to direct this great club towards its natural path, I am convinced that we will be able to get there …". In time ?
"I would like to talk about Elliott's vision. It is clear and obvious that the return of Milan to the top in annual and world football should not take place in 10/15 years … The path is still long and will require … " No Gazzy, don't tell me … Will it take time?
Renewals with old people and the search for new sponsors? "Competitive market, it takes time". The budget balance monstre? "We're working on it but it takes time".
Merchandising? "We have hired the right people but they need time"
Scaroni is no different. He begins by saying that he is not speaking of technical things and is waiting for Gazidis as well takes time.
Just a day or two earlier even Maldini had stated that if it took 10 or 15 years to bring Milan back to the top club he and Boban would not stay. But at the moment, needed time …
The first thing I read when Pioli arrived was that, to understand the players he had available and to start changing things, he needed time
We are not talking about this summer. When Giampy arrived the list of time applicants was endless. I remember coaches, former players, commentators, journalists, simple passers-by interviewed … The current concept was that being a soccer teacher he had to teach and to teach properly, it goes without saying, it takes a lot of time. And then … Ci wanted time why the new ones fit in, there wanted time because the old men understood, there wanted time because those who came back late from summer engagements trained, time, time, time, time …
Also the new structure of the technical managers in the current formation, Boban, Maldini, Massara, had been put together late and, of course, they needed time.
I have nothing against time and I know very well that any job requires it. The difference lies in "how much time"… Is it possible that among the hundreds of people who in various ways invoked time, no one, nobody said, has ever been able to quantify? I summarize; It is good that any project takes time but usually it is also said how much, or at least a rough forecast is mandatory. At least one order of magnitude?
Try yourself in real life to answer or hear you respond like this:
"Excuse me, surveyor, when will the renovation be finished?"
"But what questions … don't you know it takes time?"
customer: "Sorry when you give me the material I ordered"
supplier: "I don't know … I need time"
The boss: "When are you preparing that report?"
the collaborator: "And who knows, it takes time …"
Apollo 11: "Houston we have a problem"
Houston: "You will also have a problem but we have no time now …"
Try to answer your boss that you don't reach your budget because you need time, your wife doesn't know how much time it takes to gush out the clogged sink or to come and go from the supermarket. "When are you coming back dear?" "I don't know, I need time …"
What to answer if the electrician cannot tell you when it can come when you have the meter shorted and you have remained in the dark. "Sorry but I have commitments. I don't know when I'll get rid of … tomorrow maybe, or the day after tomorrow, maybe next month. You know how it is, I need time … "
At the emergency room:
"Doctor, I feel strange spasms in my chest, my left arm aches and I can hardly breathe. Can you visit me?"
"I'm sorry but there are so many people, it takes time …".
"Excuse me but if I have a heart attack and I lose the rind?"
"He will have to wait anyway. There is also a line from the port side, but don't worry, sooner or later they'll bury her too. There is always time … "
I do not pretend that they declare the road map of the Rossoneri reconstruction with the days and hours, I do not pretend that they tell us everything, that they publish the daily program of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, sessions and ablutions, but that they commit themselves to giving themselves deadlines putting the do yes Because the fans of time have little left and the risk that they get tired of waiting without even having an idea of what and when. And if the fans are lost, the cinema ends. Milan has no more time …
however things go he passes
and cares if anyone is late
You can call him a bastard
but so much is already gone
and so far nothing has ever stopped him
and at the most you may have measured it
with watches of every brand and model.
After all, if Jovanotti had understood it too …
Ah, I forgot. We would also like to know how long it will take to see football again, maybe win a game, possibly playing decently. Why not start already tonight? basically the saying goes: "Who has time do not wait for time …"
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