The "iron fist" of the Fisco: checks and blitz for 11 years


After 8 years of tax assessments on every single electronic bill a new Dante's round comes for tax payers. All crimes related to the tax authorities will be extended by up to 11 years. What does it mean? That for more than a decade invoices and documents will have to be set aside which can be used in the case of a tax assessment. To explain how things are and above all the news that will affect all the tax payers, as recalled by the Sole24Ore, is the General of the Guardia di Finanza Luigi Vinciguerra in audition in the House on the dl Fisco: "For tax crimes an increase of one third of the prescription is expected, it is about another two and a half years. Which means that to prosecute these crimes the justice system will have 10 and a half to 11 years to counter this crimes compared to the 8 years up to now planned". All too clear words that lift the veil on what is being born behind the scenes of the maneuver: a real strategy of pressing tax on millions of tax payers. Let's clarify immediately one point: the yellow maneuver has the objective of accelerating on the fight against evasion is black, but several measures that are going in this direction are actually creating a real fiscal police state.

All the risks of the new struggle against black

The same Privacy Guarantor he has repeatedly stressed that the checks on databases with a savings meter or an evacuator touch on the confidentiality of the data of the tax payers themselves. This is accompanied by an increase in penalties for evaders with imprisonment up to 8 years and now, the last piece, the extension to 11 years of the statute of limitations. In short, the tax authorities will have much more time to target the single tax payer who can undergo a sudden assessment even over a period of more than a decade. But it doesn't end there. As we mentioned a few days ago, this new course in the fight against tax evasion has also been declined in terms of tax bills. In fact, the new tool that is used by professionals and merchants can be challenged or monitored by the tax authorities and by the same Gdf for 8 years.

Invoices for 8 years

Also in this case, a tightening of the controls. Parallel to the temporal extension of the "at risk" control period, it should also be noted that Revenue and Gdf will also have access to extra-tax data present in the invoices: the contractual relationship between supplier and customer, the nature and characteristics of the product. In short, the fight against tax evasion is now just around the corner (the savings bank should start on November 12th). But the taxpayers will also be the ones to pay the expenses, even though they have not committed anything, they will have to report and keep for 11 years the tests to be presented in a possible "defense" before the "Corte del Fisco".

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