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"I had a phase of weakness during which, indeed, I assumed behaviors that were not in keeping with the relationship that should exist between a priest and a minor". The confession of don Michele Mottola, the equivalent of a queen test, falls on the desk of vAngelo Spinillo, Bishop of Aversa, last May 24th. A few days later, those admissions, hesitant yes, but very serious, end up on another desk, far from that of the prelate just over a kilometer. That of Fr.Francesco Greco, north Naples reporter, who instructs a child sexual abuse dossier and, in the summer, questions the victim, in an evidentiary accident. He acquires the audio files that the girl records during his meetings, very forbidden, in the parish with the priest. It's September 24th when the pm Paolo Martinelli closes the file and signs the arrest request.
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Priest arrested for sexual abuse of an 11-year-old child in Caserta, the case was reported by the Hyenas
43 days will pass before the gip Antonino Santoro sign the restrictive measure for Don Mottola, considering his a "deviant personality", and the evidence collected by the PM "granitic". Recognizing, therefore, the precautionary requirements, more in virtue of the danger of repeating the crime than of the actual risk of an escape. Trials which, to tell the truth, gathers the same victim, secretly recording the priest while he harasses her, while he asks her "kisses and hugs" and she tries to escape, with strangled whispers: "Enough … enough". Then that order, "brush your teeth", after a series of sinister rustlings, which the sixty-year-old imparts to the victim, an order that evokes a world of dirty harassment that would have been consummated in the unconscious complicity of an entire parish, and of the same family as the victim who, that priest, hosted him at dinner once a week until last spring and who, again before May, sees nothing strange in the gifts Mottola gives his daughter. A backpack, a computer.
READ ALSO Choc in Campania: parish priest arrested for abuse of an 11-year-old girl
A morbid relationship is established between the two, «As between engaged» says the priest. And adults don't realize it. A report that Mottola then defines a "story" when the girl tries to break, but is almost afraid to disappoint him and then turns, uselessly, to the catechists. He also confides in the mother who confronts the priest and believes in him, the parish priest, rather than his daughter. The girl is alone, entrusts her drama to a diary. "But is it what we and don Michele do?" He asks himself. Thoughts that become the skeleton of the 50 pages of ordinance marked by the gip Santoro. Together with audio files, for now not passed for any technical expertise, and with the confirmation of the complaints, which took place in a probationary accident, in July, when the 11-year-old traces the months of the harassment, the vain attempts to get help from adults, the initiative to register those secret meetings for which she feels guilty, she, who instead is the victim.
READ ALSO The priest accused of pedophilia denounces: "Organized my lynching on the web"
All this, for the magistrate, is sufficient and keeps the feet up precautionary requirements although the facts date back to five months ago. Mottola is dangerous, his is one "Deviant personality", so as to think of being "engaged" with an eleven year old girl. For this reason, the investigating judge signed the arrest, despite the Diocese putting the priest in a position of not being able to do more harm, driving him away from the parish of San Giorgio Martire of Trentola Ducenta, where the facts would have happened, then imposed the isolation in a convent of Giugliano. Mottola left the "cloister" at the end of October and went to live with his brother in Qualiano where, yesterday morning, the police carried out a search before arresting him. He leaves the police station, targeted by the flashes of the reporters, which are almost three in the afternoon. Gaze, then hides behind a bag. The steering wheel leaves in the direction of Secondigliano, a penitentiary where there is a department reserved for sex offenders.
<span color: = "" style = "color: # B22222;<span style=”>READ ALSO Priest accused of pedophilia, a child of 10 years records requests
The face to face with the investigating judge is scheduled for Monday. The lawyer Antimo D’Alterio, defender of the priest, made it known that since May his client has made himself available to the Public Prosecutor who has not considered refusing to question him. "The precautionary needs, at five months from the facts, are debatable, a less afflictive measure could have been applied," says the criminal lawyer who then confirms the existence of partial admissions made to the bishop and clarifies that "the gravity of the facts disputed by the magistrates requires that it be discussed only in the appropriate forums ». We go towards the process, while the media lynching continues and we learn that, seven days ago, the girl's father chases the priest while he is crossing the middle Axis and sends him off-road with the car. Then he tries to attack him: two motorcyclists save him. It is the third attempt at do-it-yourself justice since May. The child's father insults the priest in the public square in the weeks when the fact comes out. After the service of "Le Iene", on Sunday, a punitive expedition is organized on the web. Since yesterday Mottola is safe. In jail. And he is the second priest of the Diocese of Aversa, after Michele Barone, the exorcist friend of the Medjugorje visionaries to end up behind bars.
Last updated 9 November, 09.35am