Taken from Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Battle, the show was broadcast for the first time by TV Tokyo since April 2003. In Italy it has landed on Fox Kids and Jetix since 4 October 2004, arriving clear on Italia 1 from 29 August 2005 and on K2 from 2009.
Just below, you can refresh your memory with the official intro:
Now, it has been announced that the animated series will also be released in the catalog Netflix American starting next December 1st this year. Subscribers to the streaming platform will then be able to view all 52 original episodes (but at the moment not the 26 released later).
Have you already read that, after the first rumors, the authors of the Sonic film denied the news of the cost of 35 million dollars for the redesign of the blue hedgehog?
Source: GN
TAG: sonic, sonic x
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