In the early afternoon – he informs – the Martello valley and the Val dʻUltimo register 60 liters per square meter, the Bassa Atesina and the Val Passira 40 l / sqm and the Val Pusteria 20 l / sqm. In the last few days, 55 centimeters of fresh snow fell in the last few hours. Currently the disturbance is moving eastward.
The budget is serious. There are 1,220 users in Alto Adige who were still without electricity in the morning, including the countries of Laion, San Lorenzo and Castelrotto. The electricity distribution company Edyna has installed all its generators, the Mountain Reservoirs, the White Cross and the voluntary fire brigades have made available another 6 generators. Edyna informs that the number of users without electricity is likely to increase. The repair of damaged power lines is in fact extremely difficult due to the weather conditions: for this reason some operations will take several days.
"At the meeting of the evaluation conference at the Provincial Functional Center of the Civil Protection Agency it was decided to maintain the level of orange attention that indicates a state of early warning (Bravo)" said Willigis Gallmetzer, coordinator of the conference evaluation, remembering that the good level is the third of a scale of four and indicates that a relevant event for the Civil Protection has occurred, the intervention teams are alerted and all the authorities that make up the Civil Protection system are informed . The Center and the intervention centers are in contact with the area directly concerned and implement all the necessary measures to limit the danger to the territory and the population.
Val Badia is currently isolated due to heavy snowfall. Most of the roads, even the inter-estate roads to the hamlets, are closed for safety reasons or due to falling trees. The roads are freed, if possible, from municipal vehicles, only to allow access by emergency vehicles. In case of need – informs the mayor Giacomo Frenademetz – the service doctor will move to vehicles of the fire brigade. Hoteliers and landlords were asked to be available to welcome travelers stuck in the valley.
In the afternoon the snow also fell in Bolzano. Due to the high intensity of rainfall, temperatures have dropped considerably and the flakes fall over the whole of South Tyrol to the valley floor.
The cable car to the Colle is closed, so the children of the Montessori del Colle primary school are taken to Bolzano by the fire brigade by various means.
Due to heavy snowfall, an intervention plan was prepared for the Brenner motorway. In consideration of the rather high number of vehicles that run daily on the motorway, the Technical Directorate of the A22 Brenner, in agreement with the Compartment of the Traffic Police of Trentino – Alto Adige and Belluno, as well as with the Section of Traffic Police of Bolzano , announced the preparation, from 9.00 pm today and until ceased needs, of deceleration operations, with the reduction of the carriageway, of vehicles traveling north from the Municipality of Salorno (at km. 117) to that of Egna ( at km 105), also envisaging the possibility of implementing a dynamic filtering of commercial vehicles in relation to the evolution of the meteorological situation.
As the Government Commissariat informs, the intensification of police controls in the road and motorway sections most exposed to critical situations was also agreed, as well as the constant and timely information to users, by the Civil Protection and Road Service of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, in terms of weather conditions, recommending maximum caution and the use of winter tires or chains. Particular attention will also be paid to the meteorological situation of the Val Pusteria, already affected in recent days by heavy inconveniences due to the fall of trees on the provincial roads.
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