The release on the Blog of the Stars
After taking stock of this new phase of the M5S (read: crisis), yesterday the Star Blog wrote that it is “time to ask ourselves if this great mobilization of growth and regeneration is compatible with electoral activities. For this reason we have decided to submit to the members the decision regarding participation in the upcoming regional elections in Emilia Romagna and Calabria". "Taking part in the elections requires an organizational effort, even a national one, and a very high concentration. Whatever we choose, we will face it as always with all the dedication we are capable of. The choice is ours ”, concludes the official organ of the M5S.
The anger of the Calabrian grillini
"Don't make me say anything … We heard about the vote on Rousseau 5 minutes ago. A little off-guard? You know what work we've done, other than a little off-putting. " Riccardo Tucci, Calabrese deputy of the M5S is unleashed with theAdnkronos, to which Tucci explains that he only learned of the post "five minutes earlier" from Paolo Parentela, the coordinator of the electoral campaign in Calabria. "To find a candidate president with a curriculum of 23 pages, one that has two co … so. One that despite the situation puts itself at our disposal e now I have to see the thing managed by the blog in this way after seven years of working for the Calabria Region"The pentastellato parliamentarian adds the dose. "Five years ago we entered and we got the c … and now I have to see something like that. It is rubbish".
Forciniti's alarm: "If the Democratic Party wants to bring down the government it will do so regardless"
Always Forciniti is unleashed on Facebook: "If we are prevented from participating in the upcoming Calabrian regional elections, we will have consumed a sneaky palace game to give the Democratic Party some more chance to save their Emilia seats, with the illusion on the part of some Roman strategists that this could strengthen the Giallorossi government ". And it does not end there, the Calabrese deputy points out that "if the Democratic Party wants to drop the government after the regional elections in January it will do so regardless of what we do!". Finally Forciniti launches the appeal: "I invite you to vote compact tomorrow on the platform and make it clear that in the next regional elections we MUST be there. We have come here to clear a certain way of doing politics, certainly not to be employed by the Democratic Party ".
Adolfo Spezzaferro
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