Provenzano asks: "And now, 4 or 5 cents for that little bottle that (until yesterday?) You didn't want in your photos, are they worth your controversy? Are your rankings worth? No, I don't think so. And if you think about it for a moment, you don't even believe it. "
The southern minister recalls that "the plastic tax exists in many European countries and aims to discourage disposable products and promote compostable and eco-friendly materials. That in ldb is not a general tax on plastic, a material we produce and which we will hardly be able to do without, but aims to limit the use of objects that you use only once and remain in the environment for hundreds of years".
“Incentivising the use of pitchers, water bottles, moreover, implies a cost saving, even for the lower-middle income groups. Much more will be needed, of course: complete waste cycle, research and innovation on packaging and packaging. But it is also the task of institutions to guide social behavior. Thinking about environmental policies without financial impact means not doing them, or worse, making them an empty rhetoric. I saw that someone says: we must remove arguments to the right. Yes, perhaps trying not to become like the right, indifferent to what is produced and consumed, indifferent beyond the empty words to the fate of the planet ", the minister continues.
And suddenly the plastic, like a miracle, no longer pollutes!
– Andrea Orlando (@AndreaOrlandosp) November 2, 2019
"And suddenly the plastic, like a miracle, no longer pollutes!" Andrea Orlando, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, instead writes on Twitter, referring to the measures contained in the maneuver (without explicitly mentioning them), such as the plastic tax on which some forces of majority expressed dissent.
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