Danilo 5: little salt and never with conviction. Not insuperable even when it has to defend.
Bonucci 6.5: not perfect on the goal, it saves one fact avoiding the opposing comeback. Give a hand to Rugani when he needs it.
Rugani 5: always in trouble against Eder, as against Genoa it seems to never have the situation really in hand.
Alex Sandro 6: accompanies the action and never pulls back.
Khedira 5.5: at times it almost disappears from the game. Superb launch with which cue Higuain, who slams against Guilherme, and also two good entries on the scoresheet. Little though in a race where everyone would have needed something more (69 ' Douglas Costa 7.5: he won it. Simply. Because the victory goal is invented from nothing, turning the white wall into a handful of skittles to jump with agility)
Pjanic 5: the rain of Moscow extinguishes its light. And Juve misses it terribly. Less alive than usual, he is also less precise, he who usually makes no mistake.
Rabiot 6: sometimes it loses the time of the game, but is alive, active and always at the center of the game.
Ramsey 6: regardless of the touch on the goal, it is undoubtedly among the most positive. He gets up and down to be always ready when his companions need (64 ' Bentancur 6: enters well, fighting and helping to rearrange ideas)
Higuain 6.5: game of sacrifice. He sees little of the ball, he has to move a lot to find and work a lot for the team. He answers present at the decisive moment, understanding the wonderful madness of Douglas Costa and heel, helping him to bring Juve to the knockout stages.
Ronaldo 5.5: it is not brilliant, even if it is the most dangerous. Punishment of the advantage with the help of Guihlerme, then a great conclusion on which instead the opposing goalkeeper is exceeded. In the middle the trend is the same as in the last races (82 ' Dybala sv)
Allri Sarri 6: good victory, good pass for the knockout rounds, even if his Juve is anything but brilliant.
Lokomotiv Moscow (4-4-1-1): Guilherme 6; Ignatjev 6, Howedes 6.5, Corluka 7, Rybus 6.5; Zhemaletdinov 6 (81 'Murilo sv), Krychowiak 6, Barinov 6, Joao Mario 6.5 (85' Kolomeytsev sv); Miranchuk 7; Eder 6. All. Semin 6
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