LEONI PER..AGNELLI – Petitions, parliamentary questions and rules interpreted for use and consumption, but the field is clear. Sarri is now "knowing" Allegri and Juventus, the fans are not disappointed is the right way ..


How can football be reduced to a purely arbitration issue? How can you reduce yourself to writing thousands of tweets, posts and articles always with the same content? How can one even think of making a parliamentary question to the Minister of Sport? Simple. It is human nature to look for alibis to not see what you don't want to see. It's easier to scream at the plot than to admit to being years behind in programming. It is cheaper than to admit the failure of a project. Whether it is the fans who can be reduced to the witch hunt, it can also be, that politicians do it with questions is simply grotesque, there are other problems to be solved in this country; that it is the presidents and managers is sadly strategic (better to shift the attention to errors that do not depend on wrong corporate choices than to admit the latter ..), but that are the coaches and the players is frankly serious. In short, to give an example, and given that the accusations and the questions have started from Naples, it is enough to remember that, for example, in the last 5 games, Naples has scored 6 points. Is it the referees' fault? Surely not. Is it Juventus's fault? No, the "fault" of Juventus is to be at +11 on one of the most accredited competitors after just two months.

Inter resists, and certainly Conte will fight against the Bianconeri until the end, but this challenge in the challenge does nothing but instill petrol in the convictions of a team that for now does not shine but wins without giving anything. I may be wrong, but I also see Agnelli even more involved, obviously between him and the Nerazzurri coach another small challenge began in the challenge ..

Another challenge was (and remains) that of Maurizio Sarri: to change Juventus, make it spectacular as well as winning. A noble mission that, in a little while, will certainly go to port, but for now it seems and is more Juventus than Allegri than Sarri. Even the good Maurizio, with great intelligence, has fallen into the part of who sits on the most successful bench in Italy: this team can choose to be spectacular or boring, aggressive or wait-and-see, but cannot and must not ignore the results. Do not worry if you have noticed a certain involution in the game, the one that showed Juventus for an hour against Napoli or ninety minutes against Inter and in some flashes of Madrid, was a sort of preview of what you will appreciate with more consistency when the lessons will be absorbed and when the main performers will be in top condition. But as soon as Sarri realized that the team is not yet ready for transformation, he discovered the practicality of Allegri: winning first of all, even relying on episodes; the only thing missing from Juventus in the last five years is defensive solidity, this will also come along with everything else. It takes patience but for now, both on the bench and in front of the microphones, it seems to see Allegri. This should not be a disappointment for those many fans who are thirsty for entertainment, aware (rightly) that this team can do much more, that it can gain consensus as well as points, even to make the above arbitration controversy even more sterile, it must not be a disappointment this Juventus because it is still at the beginning of its new path and, despite everything, it is there, first. Think what will happen soon (it will soon be so) this team will draw the football that Sarri wants. It will be fun. And if for now you do not enjoy seeing it "simply" there on the summit, think what all the supporters of the conspiracies are feeling that have been reduced to parliamentary questions just to vent a repression from the victories of those who do not see the light. Elsewhere, you probably can't do better. Juventus can already only improve …

Vincenzo Marangio – Radio Bianconera

Twitter – @enzomarangio



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