latest trends in Italian savings


Investments: what are the latest trends of the Italians on saving? The Consob report presented today shows data and inclinations on how the citizens of our country behave when it comes to managing their own money.

The picture that emerges from the surveys it is not very encouraging for the financial sector. Italian families, in fact, experience a certain difficulty and mistrust of operators and tools for asset management.

Consob tries to give answers to the questions on what is the current level of investments in Italy and what are the trends in terms of savings.

Investments: the latest Italian savings trends. The data

The report shows first of all that, compared to the previous year, the percentage of Italians who manages to save regularly falls albeit slightly. I am, in fact, the 31% – compared to 33% in 2018 – families able to use part of their income for investment operations.

Those who save without continuity, on the other hand, represent 37%. Finally, a slice of the population that stands around 26%, it is cut off from any possibility of investment. These families, in fact, are those that use the entire income for daily and monthly expenses.

The savings rate, however, stands at a – albeit slight – upward trend since 2014 and records a 10%. The figure, however, remains below the European average.

The effects on the propensity to invest are not positive. Save littlein fact, it means first of all not considering specific financial instruments to keep aside and maybe make money out of them.

The 2018 figure on the gross investment activities of Italian families has undergone one 3.1% decrease.

To have a significant impact on these numbers, in addition to the difficulty in saving, there is certainly a low level of trust towards the operators involved in protecting money.

Only 20% of those who decide to invest, in fact, relies on a consultant. The rest prefer do-it-yourself or the advice of relatives and friends.

Among the various opportunities for choosing where to invest, Italians prefer 26% and 18% of Italian mutual funds and Italian government bonds.

What does the Italian lack of confidence in financial activities depend on?

The Consob study offers interesting information on the relationship between Italians' lack of confidence in investments and knowledge in financial matters.

The 30% of respondents, indeed, ignore the meaning of current accounts, shares, Bitcoins, bonds and mutual funds. Furthermore, for the 21% of the sample citizens, the most basic notions such as inflation, diversification and risk-return ratio.

Therefore, one is missing financial education at 360 ° in Italy. If the younger ones, in fact, show that they understand the issues concerning the economy and the investment world better, most adults are left behind.

A generation and knowledge gap that could have increasingly negative consequences on the finance sector.

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