it's time for Gazidis to raise his voice. We return to the three-man defense after the blue stop. And Rodriguez will be a precious pawn


Stefano Pioli, on the evening of Lazio, entered an agenda that was too often forgotten or, worse still, undervalued. He spoke of the lack of respect for the club forced, twice, to play, against Fiorentina and Lazio, with a day less of rest. First consideration: this is usually a political matter and should be treated by the company that has the responsibility to "watch" the calendar. It would have been more useful to "denounce it" first and intervene on the fly with the secretariat of the League that deals with the matter. In my view, there is another unresolved issue that must be addressed by Gazidis. This is the treatment reserved for Milan (please check the large number of warnings) by the referees and the president of the Aia Nicchi. Well: when the images of the TV documented that during Udinese-Milan, the first day of the championship, there was a hand ball by Samir, Nicchi intervened on the radio denying the evidence and arguing instead that it had been a touch "with the shoulder". Faced with such behavior, any manager would have raised a fuss useful in making it clear that "Milan fans are not fooled". Do you remember the technique of Antonio Conte in the first year of Juventus when he was unbeaten after winning 4 to 1 at Parma? It is called preventive fire and often serves to "mark the territory".

During the next stop for national teams there will be general rehearsals for the change of game system. Pioli said it clearly a few days ago and in his mind he has already begun to think about how to set up the deployment. On the goalkeeper no doubt, not even on the defensive trio that will contain an absolute novelty because it will be composed by Musacchio (center-right), Romagnoli and Rodriguez (center-left). Rodriguez? Already really him, the reviled Swiss, renamed by some exponent of the "Palladio-Gigio" fan for the habit, during the Gattuso era, of collecting a strip of back passages to the Milan goalkeeper. In the 5 midfield the two externals will be on one side Rebic, however, restored to new physical condition (according to Stefano Eranio, he has a few more) and on the other, Theo Hernandez, who would thus be relieved of the task of recovering the defensive phase. On the three power plants there is something to do: you can start from Kessie-Biglia-Paqueta to go to the other trio composed by Krunic-Bennacer-Bonaventura. Finally, the assortment of the attacking duo that provides Piatek or Leao as the central point to support Calhanoglu or Suso is more complicated. From what we understand, the tactical transformation is due to the need to better protect the defense capable of taking goals "even from a clear sky", that is when one less expects it. On this point there is a question to ask: sorry, was it not the case to confirm Bakayoko (last year his presence after Biglia's injury in the center of the village was the secret to embark less goals)? A friendly voice gave me the following explanation: because the redemption of the French would have involved the full payment of the sum because it was not a newly arrived foreigner, so it would have been impossible to exploit the new tax law.



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