Dramatic accident on Saturday around 18.30 in via dei Carpani in Castelfranco Veneto. A woman, whose identity is still unknown, was in fact overwhelmed by a car on the road leading to the hospital while she was crossing the street on the pedestrian crossing to visit a friend. The impact with the vehicle, which proceeded at high speed, was extremely violent and the 74-year-old involved, originally from Rossano Veneto (VI), died shortly afterwards due to the serious injuries sustained following the impact with the asphalt, despite the first aid brought by some passers-by, by the daughter who followed her (then rescued in turn by the terrible shock suffered) and finally by the Suem 118. On the site of the accident came the carabienieri and the polstrada of Castelfranco which collected the first testimonials from those present who talk about a fleeing car, probably a Fiat Punto driven by a woman. The police are therefore now in search of the pirate of the road who fled without aiding the victim. Meanwhile the road was inevitably blocked with major disruption to road traffic both from the Iper area and towards via San Pio X.
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