In his usual Saturday editorial su The day, Bruno Vespa spotlight on "the hard and pure" who row against Giuseppe Conte, a prime minister increasingly in difficulty. Not only Matteo Renzi a against him, but also many in the M5s. And the reflection of the conductor is concentrated precisely on the grillini Door to door: "Because the M5s is like those natives who, when they come into contact with Westerners, because they do not have antibodies, they take the diseases with serious consequences – he says -. So the government mixture first with the League and now with the Democratic Party has produced a strong weakening of the Movement, putting him in a very serious crisis ". And by post, Bruno Vespa points his headlights on what is now referred to as the leader of the pentastellar dissidents, ie Barbara Lezzi. "La Lezzi – he continues -, very annoyed at having lost the ministry, leads the patrol of pure-and-hard people who put on the cross Luigi Di Maio and also Giuseppe Conte – emphasizes the journalist -. It was Lezzi who got the majority of the Giallorossi to cancel the judicial safe-conduct ad Arcelor Mittal. The Indians did not wait for anything else and play dirty ", concludes a prophetic and grave Bruno Vespa.
Also read: Thus Barbara Lezzi became the anti-Di Maio in the M5s
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