In Friuli, savings bonds and savings books were awarded


THE Postal Interest Certificates and Postal Records remain among the forms of savings most loved by Italians, and the province of Udine it offers confirmation with over 595,000 subscriptions. On the occasion of the 95th World Savings Day, the annual Acri / Ipsos survey was also presented, from which it emerges that there is a return to economic “normality” by Italian families, thanks to a recovery in savings capacity and to the greater relaxation in consumption; in one year the percentage of families that manages to save without too many sacrifices has jumped to 55%, with an increase of 7 percentage points compared to 2018.

In this overall picture, the Postal Booklets, issued by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and guaranteed by the State, now stand in Udine at over 206,000, highly popular because they offer a certain return and the convenience of being able to be subscribed and collected without any expense in any Office Postal service of Italy. Interest-bearing bonds also increase, reaching 388,000. First issued in March 1925 in the denominations of 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 lira, these instruments also immediately became the best security savings solution.

Poste Italiane therefore confirms itself as the safe haven of savings for Italians, thanks to the possibility of investing small and large sums with the guarantee of good profitability. The company led by the Ad Matteo Del Fante has recently reached the significant milestone, according to the international ranking "The Most Influential Brands 2019", of being the most influential Italian listed company in positive daily choices of citizens, and this year has also won the 23rd overall place in the Global Top 100, improving by ten positions compared to 2018.

The results of the third quarter of 2019 presented last November 6 confirm Poste Italiane's role in asset management, with revenues up 1.7% compared to last year. "We are becoming a dynamic company with a strong digital native component, which actively supports the lives of our 35 million customers", declared the CEO Matteo Del Fante, "the key to the Group's success is our widespread presence on the national territory, through our network: no other company has a strong connection with the local communities as Poste ”.

The postal savings books are available in different versions, including those dedicated to minors and the one called “Smart”, which allows you to set aside all or part of the sums deposited benefiting from a higher remuneration than the base rate and with the possibility of managing online or through a free app for smartphones and tablets. Postal Interest Certificates also allow small amounts to be invested, have no issue, management or collection fees, are exempt from inheritance tax and are subject to a tax of 12.50%. More information on postal savings products is available on the Poste Italiane website

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