Note: the first stop of the plants, that of theblast furnace 2, is scheduled on 10 December. In essence, if theextraordinary administration of Ilva should "accept" the farewell of ArcelorMittal – today the urgent precautionary appeal to stop it – he would probably have time to avoid the casting of the salamadra (the cast iron that settles under the blast furnace) which is the last operation before switching off. With all that one involves total stop of the plant, which would arrive on January 15 with the stop at Afo 1. Only one favorable pronouncement of the Court on the precautionary appeal would save the State from having to decide between the arm wrestling and switching off the systems.
"Everyone knows that if a steel mill goes out will no longer be lit., we cannot allow it ", says the leader of Fiom, Francesca Re David, reiterating that in the opinion of the unions the procedure for withdrawal initiated by ArcelorMittal "Is illegitimate", must "respect the contract". The secretary of the blue suits of the CGIL also calls on the government to respect the pacts stipulated on the sale of the former Ilva: "The government takes away any alibi and he also respects what he had agreed with the company ". And he warns: "No one can propose us no one is redundant because we had been dealing for a year to avoid redundancies ”.
"You can have different ideas about the Ilva affair and how you got here, but now it's time to focus on one point. ArcelorMittal does not simply want to leave Taranto, it is operating for close the plant definitively ”, writes the deputy secretary Pd, Andrea Orlando. "If the blast furnaces go out they don't start again. But the boycott it can also happen by missing the mineral necessary to keep them turned on – adds the former Minister of Justice – If the commissioners do not find them (it is only a hypothesis eh!) he would like us almost a month to get the ships to get supplies ”.
In short, ArcelorMittal behaves like proprietress of the steelworks of Taranto even though they are tenant. As the minister's complaint also shows Stefano Patuanelli, according to which "today the company has banned inspections to the commissioners. I think it's a fact serious, which must have an adequate response, "he said. Meanwhile, the Milan Public Prosecutor has opened a model file 45 (or cognitive model), without suspects or hypotheses of crime. The prosecutor announced it Francesco Greco with a note explaining that there will be the consequent delegation to the Economic and Financial Police Unit of Finance Guard for preliminary checks.
The procedure is entrusted to the prosecutors Romanelli, Civardi is Clerici. The Public Prosecutor explains that the decision arrives recognizing "prominently public interest related to defense of employment levels, to the economic-productive needs of the country, to the obligations of the process of environmental remediation". The magistrates intend to light a lighthouse on communication made since last November 4 by the Franco-Indian group of wanting to withdraw the rental contract until Thursday, when it announced that it would gradually stop the activity. In addition to this, according to reports in judicial circles, the investigations aim to ascertain the regularity or not in the economic relations is contractual.
In this dramatic climate, the company is meeting with representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL at the Ministry for Economic Development. Annamaria is present Furlan, Maurizio Landini, Carmelo Barbagallo and the leaders of the metalworking abbreviations, Marco Bentivogli, Francesca King David and Rocco Palombella. At the beginning of the work, Patuanelli reiterated to the company that does not recognize the right of withdrawal from the contract to the Franco-Indians.
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