When asked to search with theirs metal detector the'ring wedding lost by their friend, the last thing they expected was to return home with over £ 100,000. Paul Raynard, 44, "burst into tears" when he and his best friend Michael Gwynne, 52, came across a real treasure on October 29th. The couple of friends, who was on vacation, could not believe the fortune they had encountered, when in search of the lost faith of their friend, they found buried 84 coins dating back to 1500 in a field near Ballycastle, in theIreland of the North. One of these in particular – a very rare coin of Enrico VIII – it is estimated to be worth over £ 5,000 alone. Also the other coins – like one dated 1546, when the famous king Edward VI reigned – are of great value.
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He lost his faith on the beach and found it 11 years later thanks to a Facebook group
Metal detectorist, 42, unearths £ 100,000 haul of 500-year-old gold coins https://t.co/JngOVkifoL
Pictured: The moment Paul Raynard and his friend Michael Gwynne unearthed the collection
A metal detectorist has unearthed £ 100,000 haul of 500-year-old gold coins while hunting …
– Diaz HUB (@DiazHub) November 7, 2019
When the metal detector started to signal something under the ground they thought they had found the ring and instead father Paul shouted "below there are millions – this is the moment we have always dreamed of! Run Michael here. " Paul, from Keighley, Yorkshire, said: "It's something I dreamed of finding since I was a child. It was an amazing feeling. It's like checking lottery numbers and realizing you've made a jackpot ». "At first I saw one or two coins, I had no idea of the size of the treasure – he adds – I went to get Michael who was on the other side of the field so he could share the moment together. I was trembling, I still can't believe it. " The video footage of the moment when Paul and Michael dig the underground treasure show them that they pull a muddy coin after the other from under the ground. Engineer Paul smiles at Michael holding the phone as he struggles to contain his excitement. The coins were sent to the Ulster Museum for official identification and assessment by a team of experts. It will take several months for the 84 coins to be evaluated in full, but Paul said other experts told him that the whole amount could be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.
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Paul also said that he and Michael usually study old maps looking for signs of ancient settlements or battlefields. "We just returned from a business trip to China and Michael said he knew a nice little place where we could go to Ireland to use our metal detectors. But in that field we went only to look for the wedding ring lost by a friend. We didn't find the ring, we were there only a couple of hours when suddenly we found the coins. I dug a small hole and there they were. I could not believe". Last updated at 8:17 pm
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