Ex Ilva, appeal of the commissioners against ArcelorMittal. The Milan prosecutor opens an investigation against unknown persons – Repubblica.it


MILAN – The government's counter-offensive to ArcelorMIttal on the Ex Ilva case arrives. The urgent appeal of the extraordinary commissioners was filed in Milan asking the company to respect the agreements previously made, given that the conditions to request the withdrawal from the lease agreement would not exist.

The Milan prosecutor opens an investigation

Meanwhile, the Milan prosecutor's office has opened an investigation: the prosecutor Francesco Greco explained in a note that it is a model 45 file, without suspects or hypotheses of a crime, entrusted to the deputy prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli: the goal is to see clearly in the termination of the contract given the "prominent public interest in the field". For this date it was delegated to the Gdf economic-financial team "for preliminary checks".

Patuanelli attacks: "Company prohibits inspections of commissioners"

It is still high tension between government and ArcelorMittal. "Today the company has banned inspectors from inspecting. I believe it is a very serious matter, which must have an adequate response," the Minister for Economic Development attacked. Stefano Patuanelli a few hours after waiting face to face at the ministry between the unions and the steel multinational that won Ilva from the extraordinary administration.

Bentivogli (Fim): "Company away from December 4"

On the eve of the meeting with a note, Fim-CISL secretary Marco Bentivogli clarified the timing of the company's farewell with a note: "ArcelorMittal confirms that once the route provided for by article 47 is completed on December 3, from the following day , therefore on the fourth of the month, it will not be you to continue the extinction plan and it will be up to the extraordinary administration ".

Landini: "Confindustria does not defend those who ignore the agreements"

Just before the meeting came the attack by the CGIL secretary Maurizio Landini to Confindustria. "From Ilva to Whirlpool through the Jabil of Marcianise, there is a problem of compliance with the agreements signed with the Government and social partners by large groups, which regularly violate them. Enforcing the agreements means guaranteeing the reliability between the parties, otherwise let's go back. I turn to Confindustria: it cannot defend companies, especially its associates, which do not respect the agreements, "said Landini.

Close plan for closure: in mid-January Ilva is switched off

The closing procedure was announced to the trade unions on Tuesday evening last week in Taranto and notified to the unions on the morning of the following day, just before the Mittals went to confrontation with the Prime Minister and the government. On today's table there is not only the restitution procedure – which the trade unions contest, so much so that strikes have taken place both in Taranto and in the other Mittal sites – but also the plan to stop the plants that the same company announced yesterday .The same plan was communicated today to the Government and the prefecture of Taranto and provides for the "suspension" of the operation of the Taranto plant and of the power plants. However, according to Bentivogli, as scheduled by ArcelorMittal, it may not be implemented by the company itself but by the extraordinary administration.


Mittal's Dietrofront: "Ilva closed in January"

It starts from mid-December with the blast furnace 2, because ArcelorMittal believes that Ilva in extraordinary administration, owner of the plants, will not be able to carry out the works of bringing it up to date within the time fixed by the magistracy, and not modified, nor yet subject to extension, for which the same blast furnace 2 will be seized again without the right of use, bringing the number of active plants to Taranto from three to two.

But also for the other two blast furnaces the stop is fixed, ArcelorMittal has made it clear, thus closing any possibility of dialogue. At the end of the year for the blast furnace 4 and around mid-January for the blast furnace 1. Coking plants and thermoelectric power stations will also be stopped. Such a massive stop, which blocks more than half of the plant, will also lead to redundancies, but the figures linked to the stop were not provided yesterday by ArcelorMittal, who has reserved to do so today at the table at the Mise. And today at the Mise, while the union-company confrontation will take place, there will be a garrison of the union delegates in front of the ministry.

Also today in Taranto, the three companies in the steel industry that have asked for the layoff procedure to be opened due to a lack of work by the iron and steel industry, meet with the unions to start the discussion.


Lucia Morselli, the steel manager who knows no mediations

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ex Ilva
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