A result that alarms both the government and the government Nicola Zingaretti that, in case of defeat in Emilia, he would risk his chair at the head of the party. Moreover, it is the first time in over a century of elections that the Emilian left is in a position to recover because it is at a disadvantage.
Of course, there is still time and a knot to untangle. Will the five stars run alone, make a coalition in support of Bonaccini, or will they opt for a desist? Alessandra Ghisleri, director of Euromedia Research, says that "Salvini has everything to himself because he knows he represents a driving force. But in this case there is a difference: in all the regions where the center-right has so far won, the candidates were less known than they were it is Borgonzoni in Emilia and this can become a difficulty ". In short, the fact that Borgonzoni is known because it lost the challenge in the Municipality of Bologna, could not benefit it.
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