Digital payments, here is the new app of Intesa Sanpaolo and Mastercard


Not only services for consumers: Intesa Sanpaolo and Mastercard have launched Tap on Phone, an all-Italian experimental solution that will allow merchants to manage (and cash in) payments made by customers via contactless cards or digital wallets (such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and PayGo). The service, presented at the Salone dei Payamenti in Milan, will allow retailers and business owners to fully manage the payment and send the digital receipt to the customer thanks to the Xme Commerce app. Tap on Phone born from the new digital acceptance, the transition towards greater use of digital payments that Intesa Sanpaolo has undertaken in recent years.


During the three days of the Show, visitors to the Intesa Sanpaolo stand will be able to experience its use by making a donation to the Food Bank, the charity chosen as the operator to which to pay a sum of up to a maximum of 25 euros with a contactless card or without amount limits with your smartphone or smart watch. Service Tap on Phone collects a series of different services, such as the collection app, the portal to monitor activities, a tool to monitor sales trends and the virtual pos that can be integrated on online sites. The combination of these possibilities allows merchants to use a platform capable of managing all payments, from traditional to the most innovative.

The project and the creators

Mastercard is collaborating with Intesa Sanpaolo in the development of the project and the pilot of the new solution, with the aim of enabling merchants, companies and freelancers who operate in mobility to accept cards and digital wallets without having to provide an additional device: just merchant's smartphone. The project was carried out with the support of Mercury Payment Services and Mobeewave, a company specializing in payments with mobile devices, already part of the Mastercard Start Path startup engagement program, which since 2014 has involved over 200 companies and most advanced technology startups connecting them to Mastercard's activities, products and global customers, with a total of $ 1.5 billion in capital investment.

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