Taxation on 30% of the value for tax purposes cars granted by companies to employees could go up to 100%.
In fact, from 1 January 2020, according to the draft maneuver that is circulating, the discount could be reserved only for mixed-use vehicles (ie used for both personal and corporate reasons) in use at agents and sales representatives.
For all other employees the "fringe benefit" vehicles will be calculated for their full value, established, as currently done, on a conventional mileage of 15 thousand kilometers per year and on the basis of the mileage costs indicated in the ACI tables by 30 November.
It would be a nice blow for employees who enjoy the benefit of the company car: The newspaper he calculated that on an income of 40,000 euros a year, an employee will soon have over 2,000 euros in additional taxes a year on a Point 1.4.
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