In Italy do you feel a foreigner?
"I'm not Italian, but I'm fine."
Dzeko is Italian in what?
"By now I am gestating like you when I speak. The first step is to learn the language: if you go to a foreign country and cannot express yourself, then it is better to stay at home".
Mancini coached him at Manchester City for two seasons: did he find him ct, surprised?
"I knew it was his will and he succeeded. He wanted me in England, in our relationship there was a bit of everything".
"I am someone who always wants to play, he didn't always choose me. Sometimes I made a mistake, he others. Every once in a while I got angry, but he never took it personally. The relationship was good, when I see it we hug."
Bosnia was the team that put Italy most in difficulty. Now you're practically out, what happened?
"We should have been behind Italy. Not Finland. In some games we were soft, maybe we lacked the mentality. Now we have little hope, let's think about the Nations League: Friday's game may not be useful for the group, but to prepare yes ".
With Mancini there is a new Italy, do you agree?
"Yes, even against us they played a little differently. But only at the European Championships will we see if Italy has really returned".
Play with Zaniolo: strengths and weaknesses?
"The first day of training went a thousand. And so he continued. The talent has it, but it must improve. He is a good boy and must be grateful to Rome, now he must not think about the future. Maybe one day he will go elsewhere, I told him to look ahead and never be satisfied. "
Is Juventus unbeatable?
"They are always the favorites, but Inter can worry them. Conte conveys confidence".
And the Rome?
"After a negative start, we recovered. It didn't take to lose in Parma, but this company must stay high.
The most difficult defender?
"Chiellini. In the field it really annoys me, Juve has won a lot also thanks to him"
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