Build a portfolio with 6% dividends at Piazza Affari


Earn money by investing in the stock market? Just follow a few rules:

a) buying undervalued securities;

b) sell overvalued securities;

c) buy securities that raise high dividends;

d) buy stocks that are growing and profits are increasing;

e) indebtedness in the turnover parameters.

Build a portfolio with dividends at Piazza Affari

With low interest rates in the euro area, the investment in the stock market can take on the same function and also replace the investment in government bonds. Let us not forget that the Italians (formerly BOT people) are still a people of savers in search of at least constant returns.

Make the most of your savings by investing in government bonds. Here is what the Italians have done in recent decades. Who does not remember less than twenty years ago, those postal vouchers that tripled their value at 11?

Today is a whole other story, as not only the chances of making money but also the risks of losing money have increased. Many in recent years have sought higher returns in corporate bonds and / or currency bonds. The Turkish lira bonds were fashionable some time ago. Unfortunately, the currency devaluation has been over 20% in recent years, causing heavy capital losses.

Today we want to explain how to build a portfolio with dividends at Piazza Affari. First, however, a premise must be made. What plays in favor and disadvantage of equity investments? Time and value!

It is statistically proven that an equity investment at any time starts if it is well diversified by geographical area (for example America, Europe and Asia) in 10 years it most likely leads to gains. The possibility of loss is really very low.

Equita Sim estimates for 2020

Usually in May most of the companies pay dividends: the highest dividend estimates for Equita Sim for 2020 are as follows:

Intesa Sanpaolo, Azimut, Eni, UnipolSai, Unicredit, Generali, FCA, Atlantia and Ubi Banca. At current levels, the expected dividend with respect to quotations has a return of around 6%.

Of these securities, based on our fundamental analysis parameters and fair value estimates recommended by analysts, we only choose:

Atlantia, Eni, Intesa Sanpaolo (ISP), and Unicredit.

All four of these titles at current levels are undervalued. Here is a price and timing handbook to decide on the best investment to make in the medium to long term perspective:

Projections up to 30 June 2020


minimum waiting area 21.10 / 23.50

maximum expected area 27.45 / 30.11

Long-term reversal point: weekly closure lower than 20.53


minimum expected area 13.55 / 14.64

maximum waiting area 17.45 / 20.02

Long-term reversal point: weekly closure lower than 13.27

Intesa Sanpaolo

minimum expected area 2.15 / 2.31

maximum expected area 2.63 / 2.89

Long-term reversal point: weekly closing lower than 2.05.


minimum waiting area 10.85 / 12.37

maximum waiting area 14.45 / 17.99

Long-term reversal point: weekly closure lower than 10.02.

Here at current levels how to build a portfolio with dividends at Piazza Affari. The planned investment strategy and the trading plan report both balance sheet analysis and fair value estimates and the graphical elements for a fair valuation to make an investment in the winning stock market.

A thought could also be made in this sense: since at the current levels both Piazza Affari and these securities are undervalued and the securities themselves have consistently cut high dividends for years, why not think of an investment in these instruments at 10 years or up to their long term reversal?

Could it be a good idea to live off even with dividends? The thing to do would be to evaluate the long-term reversal points from month to month and then from quarter to quarter.

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