"Borussia Dortmund has also come forward for Mandzukic. De Ligt is expected"


The director of TMW Radio Niccolò Ceccarini also talked about the Juventus market in his editorial for "On the third attempt Pioli's first victory as a Rossoneri coach also arrived. Suffered but fundamental above all for morale. It was not once again a Milan convincing but only the result mattered, but now a very difficult cycle against Lazio, Juventus and after the stop in Naples begins, three games that will tell if Milan will be able to see the light again or if it will be destined for a championship of suffering. of the market of January where Boban and Maldini will try to insert some element of experience.Another central theme is the renewal of Donnarumma, which has the contract expiring in June 2021. The Rossoneri club must find a solution in relatively short times otherwise it risks to lose it at market values ​​that are decidedly lower than its actual value. For the moment there have been no steps forward, indeed par you are far away. Today is also the day of the great Turin derby. A fundamental challenge especially for Mazzarri. The president Cairo reiterated that the coach is the only one who is not in question but Belotti and his companions have not won since 26 September, from 2-1 against Milan. From that day the grenades lost to Parma, Udinese and Lazio and matched with Napoli and Cagliari. In short, a roadmap that has pushed Turin away from the Europa League area. And after Juventus there will also be the delicate trip to Brescia. In short, a turnaround is needed. The trust in Mazzarri for now there is but also attention to the name of Gattuso. Rino had become a concrete hypothesis for the Lazio bench, then the two consecutive successes against Fiorentina and Torino have definitely consolidated Inzaghi's position. The De Ligt question is at home in Juventus. The Dutch central has had a complicated start but its qualities cannot always be questioned. In the Netherlands the game is played differently and it takes some time to fit well in the Italian championship. In short, he must wait. As far as Mandzukic's future is concerned, Juventus is valued at around 12 million euros. Manchester United remains in pole position but in the last hours Borussia Dortmund has also come forward. The departure of Emre Can is also likely. Napoli, waiting to understand Ibrahimovic's next moves, is thinking about what to do when the market reopens. Malcuit's injury also changed the scenario on Hysaj, which was close to relocating to Valencia at the end of August. For the Naples it is not outgoing and it is not to exclude that to this point the society decides to propose him the renewal of the contract ".



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