In Vicentino, with regard to any closures, the prefect has communicated that "the individual Municipalities involved will evaluate the initiatives of competence according to the knowledge of any specific risk conditions persistent in the respective territories".
Some mayors of the Plateau have already arranged for a special order: closed schools to Roana today and tomorrow, ad Asiago schools closed today and tomorrow morning, a Gallium schools closed tomorrow. Schools regularly open, instead, in the city.
The municipal operations center will meet again at 2pm and then at 7pm.
More critical situation in other areas of the Veneto, especially in the Belluno where in 29 municipalities today schools are closed in anticipation of severe weather with possible hydrogeological and avalanche criticalities. These are the municipalities of Belluno, Feltre, Limana, Cesio Maggiore, San Gregorio in the Alps, Ponte nelle Alpi, Alpago, Chies d'Alpago, Tambre, Borgo Val Belluna, Lamon, Pedevena, Alano-Quero, Alleghe, Falcade, Livinallongo, Rocca Pietore, Selva di Cadore, Arsie, Sovramonte, San Tommaso Agordino, Fonzaso, Sospirolo, Sedico, Santa Giustina Bellunese and Val Di Zoldo. The institutes of the historic center of Venice, of the islands, of the Lido and of Pellestrina.
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