At Del Vecchio, 9.88% of Mediobanca. Here's what happens in Piazzetta Cuccia


Servicecommunications to the consob

The official numbers confirm that it is Leonardo Del Vecchio with his Delfin the first shareholder of the institute led by Alberto Nagel. Behind Delfin there is the Breton financier Vincent Bollore with 6.7%, attentive observer but formally not involved in this match

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Leonardo Del Vecchio

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Leonardo Del Vecchio has 9.889% of Mediobanca's capital. The awaited official status after the release of UniCredit from the shareholder of Piazzetta Cuccia, comes from communications to Consob on significant shareholdings, which confirm the rise of the entrepreneur close to the 10% stake of Piazzetta Cuccia on November 6th, the day to which UniCredit has completed the exit from the capital with a accelerated bookbuilding.

The participation is divided as follows: 9.371% is in the hands of Delfin, 0.203% is controlled by Aterno and 0.316% by Dfr Investment. In parallel, UniCredit it has gone from the previous 8.848% to 0.258%. The residual participation, he specified to Consob the institute led by Jean Pierre Mustier, is held by the subsidiary UniCredit Bank Ag «for short-term trading».

The official numbers, in short, confirm that it is Leonardo Del Vecchio with his Delfin the first shareholder of the institute led by Alberto Nagel. Behind Delfin there is the Breton financier Vincent Bollore with 6.7%, an attentive observer but formally not involved in this match, and in the background a consultation pact today even lighter after the Gae Aulenti institute's release and equal to about 12% of the Milan bank's capital.

The purchases of Mediobanca securities, according to rumors, were mainly carried out in recent months by the French bank Natixis, with the shares that would be held partly in the Luxembourg financial law and for the rest in two vehicles belonging to the same Delfin, Aterno and DFR investment , wholly controlled by the holding company. Delfin junction of new balances.

Almost two months after entering Piazzetta Cuccia in Delfin, therefore, the starting scenario into which Del Vecchio has entered by surprise seems to be playing in his favor. The objective was and still is to become the main "Italian" partner of the Nagel bank. Not surprisingly, it is said, one of the tactical evaluations made in the Delfin entourage before deciding to enter Mediobanca, was the finding of a "power vacuum" in the capital of Piazzetta Cuccia. Mediobanca had no strong shareholders and those few who had, Vincent Bollore and UniCredit, were outgoing or had anything else to think about.

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