Analyst recommendations on Ftse Mib stocks: what to buy and sell


When investing in the stock market, you need to establish the rules behind your choices and define the best trading strategy to get a winning investment with high probability.

To invest in shares that earn the trader must use reliable trading indicators but also some information on the financial statements of listed companies.

Today, trying to provide useful advice for those who start trading but also for those who continue to lose money with their investments, we will develop a strategy based on the recommendations of analysts on Ftse Mib securities.

Errors to be avoided in trading

The statistics of many brokers report that about 80% of traders lose money by investing in the markets. In our opinion at the base of this result there are wrong behaviors:

a) lose in the stock exchange those who treat the markets as a game or bet;

b) one reason is the lack of organization especially no use of risk management;

c) rational investment decisions are not made and the trend of the charts is not defined and neither are the financial statements of the companies in which one invests;

d) no trading plan is drawn up and therefore no rules to be used for trading are defined. The criteria for entry and exit from the investment are not well defined. Buy and sell take place for many different reasons. We do not use a trading system or a set of well-defined rules.

e) money management rules are not used and there are too many positions exposed in monetary terms to less exposed, from trading operations that close too early to too late.

These behaviors lead to taking too many risks and have only one effect: ruin yourself with the investment in the stock market.

The rules of good investment

Let's go back to the Ftse Mib Future and the rules to follow in order to earn on the stock market on a constant basis.

Buying shares is not for everyone but only for those who follow the rules. When you decide to make your money bear fruit in the markets, you enter a world where the rule of supply and demand is in force.

At the base there are rules based on value and trend.

What does it mean? A company listed on the stock exchange and therefore an action based on the turnover and profits it produces and which it will produce in the future.

How to become a winning trader? Just look at the profits of the company and therefore the financial statements and the graphs that show the current trend of prices. Who has to check that the balance sheet data is true? Auditing companies and control bodies such as CONSOB. There is another type of control and it is the reports of the analysts who express judgments and give targets on the listed shares.

Analyst recommendations on the Ftse Mib securities

Today we are going to provide data to which all those who want to invest in Piazza Affari can draw. In fact we will report in a simple way the useful information that should be drawn by those who want to invest in the stock market successfully.

In essence, we are going to come up with a practical guide for trading profitably.

Share certificate Trend Fair value estimates Inversion point Primary support / resistance
A2a rise 1.83 / 1.85 1,536 1,655
Acea rise 19 / 20,20 16,36 17,08
Anima Holding rise 4.20 / 5.10 2.97 3.26
Amplifon rise 22 / 24,70 19,96 20,24
ASTM rise 31.50 / 35 25.82 27,30
Atlantia rise 25 / 25,80 20,18 21,62
Rest Houses rise 10,60 / 11,50 7.15 8.43
Azimuth rise 19 / 19,20 15,17 16,79
Banca Generali rise 28,40 / 32,50 25,46 26,44
Banca MPS Ribasso 1.50 / 2.70 1,748 1.54
BPER Ribasso 4.30 / 4.40 4,198 4,147
Brembo Ribasso 10/12 11.623 10,69
Buzzi Unicem rise 24,50 17,07 19,34
Campari rise 8.70 / 9.70 7.23 7.75
CNH Ind. rise 10.50 / 13 8.24 8.79
De Longhi Ribasso 18/25 20:28 17.65
ENAV rise 5.30 / 5.50 4.25 4,728
It is in the rise 6.70 / 7.50 6.22 6.58
EXOR rise 73 / 78,10 57,64 61,08
Eni Ribasso 17 / 18,60 14.206 13,90
ERG rise 21,20 16,60 17,72
FCA rise 14.50 / 16 10,93 11,71
General Ass. rise 15,60 / 17,50 15,79 17,38
HERA rise 3.52 / 3.70 3.46 3,688

Share certificate


Fair value estimates

Inversion point

Primary support / resistance

I.M.A. Ribasso 60/78 72,35 66,00
Interpump Ribasso 27,50 / 29,70 29,34 28,08
Intesa Sanpaolo rise 1.95 / 2.50 1.81 2.06
Iren rise 3.15 / 3.40 2,376 2.63
Italgas rise 5.70 / 6 5.50 5,606
Leonardo rise 11 / 13,30 9.74 10,03
Mediaset Ribasso 2.80 / 3.40 3,086 2.7774
Mediobanca rise 9.90 / 11 9.67 10,465
Moncler rise 36/41 31,59 32,50
nexi rise 10.50 / 11 8.75 9,114
Pirelli Ribasso 5.70 / 6.30 6,476 5.94
Prysmian rise 20 / 23,50 17,30 18,36
Recordati rise 26,30 33,38 35,67
Saipem Ribasso 5 / 6.60 4,746 4,381
Salvatore Ferragamo Ribasso 16 / 17.50 18,65 17,28
SIAS rise 17 / 17,40 13,47 15,04
Snam rise 4,2074,90 4,308 4,452
STM rise 21/23 17,03 18.08
Telecom Italia Ribasso 0.69 / 0.98 .5730 .5454
Tenaris Ribasso 11,50 / 16,90 12.335 10,80
TERNA rise 5.80 / 6.30 5,156 5,456
UBI Banca rise 2.91 / 3.20 2,238 2,407
Unicredit Ribasso 14,20 / 15,20 12,79 11,87
Unipol rise 5 / 5.30 4.23 4.63

In the table we have reported:

a) the long-term trend;

b) the latest recommendations by analysts on the Ftse Mib securities;

c) The long-term reversal point

d) the primary support / resistance.

How to best use it?

For example those who want to invest in Unicredit will read that:

a) the 3/6 month trend is bearish;

b) analyst estimates are for a fair value between 14.20 / 15.20 and therefore the security is undervalued;

c) the trend will reverse on a rise above 12.79 on a daily basis (wait also for confirmations from the weekly closing);

d) the first resistance is set at 11.87. Exceeded which the chances of going towards 12.79 is very high.

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