ALITALIA / Lufthansa and the false hopes of a real revival


1960 was the year in which Italy celebrated its renaissance with the icing on the cake of the Rome Olympics. The country that had come out destroyed by the tragedy of the Second World War, with millions of deaths, without resources but human ones, had been able to perform a miracle the fruit of enormous sacrifices and ingenuity that had also translated itself into that Italian Style that was beginning to conquer the world of fashion and design. With the soundtrack of a song whose very perfect refrain, "Volare", seemed to have become the hymn of the planet Earth, so successful was it in the 4 corners of the globe. Refrain however that also meant the official success in the skies of an airline called Alitalia which in its development and with its brand would bring Italian style to the world.

All that phenomenon, which still brings shining eyes to thought, was the son of people who, coming out of tragedy, through its culture, in full respect of ethical and moral codes, knew how to build a nation that, albeit for a short time, in this modern version of the Renaissance would have come to be the eighth world power. All this history, in its reality, clashes tremendously with a topicality of a country that has fallen into ignorance and the most total obscurantism, incapable not only of giving birth to a miserable system of re-launching, but arriving at a point of rotten enough to provoke , after so many years, the rebirth of the sad phenomenon of emigration, this time not of arms but of brains.

And like in the sixties, but obviously upside down, the Alitalia carrier is becoming the symbol, more than twenty years, of this obscurantism. That of a policy that is an amoeba in its own right that seems to have landed by chance from another planet, locked up in its stronghold where ignorance dominates not only in the quotations that are increasingly heard with lexical defeats unworthy even in a primary school , but also in the conduct, many times of a kindergarten but very heavily overpaid, of many of its members.

Anti-politics has also arrived (at least it was defined as such) led by a comedian (we lacked only this) who eventually brought about the revolution of nothing, anchored to the most retrograde philosophies of the palace and of proclamations (such as the “end of poverty "Shouted from the balconies of the palace) unworthy if called by those who, at that moment, hold the levers of power.

This incapable Italy, light years away from the people it should represent, linked only to financial logics of which even the so-called progressivism (or left so to speak) is a slave, what should have as "official carrier" of the Rome Olympics (lost) if not the current Alitalia, which represents it very well?

It is useless: a country that throws out its butt and kicks its intelligence and treats the brave ones who remain there by not listening to them or subtracting the means to be able to express itself deserves an Alitalia. Where there are those who continue to promise development, but meanwhile only conceive restructuring plans having as an accomplice a trade union world that is queuing up to have a role in the funeral, where it hopes to be able to control the flock destined for the slaughter in its power.

In this context, the Lukshansa entry that gave Lufthansa may be added to the now endless series of proposals functional only to the destruction of Alitalia. If, after Gaetano Intrieri, Ugo Arrigo is also considered a former consultant of the Mise, we are right at the end: the dear professor of the Bicocca reiterated in one of his articles on this headline a concept that, although disarmingly simple and with different examples to prove it, continues to be not understood by those who hold the levers of this now sad story. An Alitalia in the current economic conditions must first be enabled to walk alone and then find new partners who can continue to make it fly and guarantee its development which, we will repeat until we get bored, is vitally important if we want to get going again the economy of a country like ours.

Unfortunately there is no duller than those who do not want to hear. But one last hope, a small flame, even if unstable, remains on. This was demonstrated by the current Chile, where the presence of 1.2 million protesters with their peaceful presence have shifted a power to dialogue over groups of social centers that have only attracted the most violent repression in response to their violence.

Alitalia employees long ago, with their NO to the Etihad plan made through a massive participation in the internal referendum, were right about a maneuver that was leading Alitalia towards the disappearance. It is about time that, after having believed (unfortunately) in the fables coming from those who used them as a reservoir of votes, making them believe a hope and then putting them in the mouth of the first passing wolf, they get back up from the keyboards and get together massively. The great Giorgio Gaber (we repeat this again) had reiterated this concept, that Italians should return to reconsider: freedom is participation. Other, unfortunately, given the actors present in this affair, it cannot be done: the future of Alitalia is in the hands of those who make it fly daily. Ready for take off guys?


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