"Acquamala", released by Maurizio Sabato known as "U Cavaleri"


The Catanzaro Review Court has released Maurizio Sabato, known as "U Cavaleri".

For the man, involved in the investigation "Acquamala" and reached by order of custody on 23 October last, the prosecutor was asked for a precautionary measure in prison for the crime of conspiracy, but the magistrate had given him the prison for the crime of criminal association for drug dealing.

The legal defender of Saturday, the lawyer Enzo De Caro, requested immediate revocation of the provision, demonstrating, during the hearing of November 7, that the disputing drug dealing alleged to his client was absolutely unjustified, since among all the papers of the trial emerged with absolute clarity that Saturday was unrelated to charges of dealing in cocaine.

The lawyer explained that on Saturday he had helped Manetta Cosimo who owed a large sum of money to get a deferral, to pay off his debt, as clearly emerged during a telephone interception between Sabato and Abbruzzese, Manetta's son-in-law, when Abbruzzese pleaded with Saturday asking him to save his father-in-law's personal safety.
Therefore it could not be involved on Saturday in the crime of drug dealing, occurred long before it was activated in favor of the Manetta.

Moreover, the creditor of Manetta was a subject who on Saturday knew very well as he had been his cellmate for some years, when he was detained because of the so-called "Revenge" operation against the Gaglianesi clan. After his release on Saturday in 2008, he was not responsible for other significant crimes, so it was not correct to speak of the social dangerousness of a subject who for more than fifteen years has not delineated any more.

The Court of Review of Catanzaro shared the defense thesis and considered that there was only a residual hypothesis of the crime of aiding and abetting, for which he charged him Maurizio Sabato only the obligation of presentation to the P.G .. As ordered by the Court, the man was discharged from the Siano District Court and was able to return home as a free man.

Editorial board Calabria 7

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