Why is capital paid? What is the "relationship of subordination" between an employee and his employer? Was unemployment deliberately invented? Why did wage labor take over from slavery? What is neoliberalism? As many questions as we do not ask every day, because the economy is complicated, because the economy does not understand anything.
Fortunately, this October 15, ARTE broadcasts the first four episodes of the new series of Gerard Mordillat and Bertrand Rothe, Work, salary, profit, six hours of educational explanation of economic mechanisms. Twenty-one researchers from around the world are revisiting Marxist concepts (surplus value, profit, the reserve army of capital, etc.) to explain the new forms of economics and work today.
"The engine of work is, as Marx said, the sting of hunger. We are dealing with a hostage crisis. I say this because the word "hostage-taking" is often used in ordinary debate, in the media commentary, political and editorialist. And the hostage takers are either railroad workers, garbage collectors, and so on. Except that the wage is itself a gigantic hostage. " Frederic Lordon, who puts on his economist cap for this series, recalls how capitalism, in its very structures, is unequal, violent, destructive. And that capitalism can not be reformed, it must be defeated.
But to defeat capitalism, one must still understand its mechanisms. Here are some keys, that the authors of the series, Gerard Mordillat and Bertrand Rothe, professor of economics, come to tell us.
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