the ENR sector demand acts


The renewable energy sector is on a positive dynamic, but it would be possible to go even further. This is in short the message that the Union of renewable energies (SER) wanted to pass during a press conference organized on October 15, 2019, in Paris. The share of renewable energy in final heat consumption is 19.9% ​​in 2018 (18.7% in 2017), at 141.729 GWh. "This is due to three factors"Decrypts Jean-Louis Bal, President of the SER. "First of all the strong development of wood energy (whose domestic part represents 50% of the renewable heat produced, NDLR), the rise of heat pumps and that of biogas." The share of 19.9% ​​remains below the objectives of the EPP, in particular those of 2020 which will not be reached (33%).

CITE: SER wishes transitional measures

The SER wants this dynamic to be supported by the premium that will replace the energy transition tax credit (ISCED). This last device is far from trivial, since according to the organization "60% of renewable heat volumes have developed" thanks to him. "We want transitional measures to prevent the industry from experiencing an air gap"says Jean-Louis Bal. The transformation CITY – premium is indeed planned for winter 2019-2020, traditionally economically carrier heating season. "Those who launch the investment in 2019 must have the benefit of ISCED." Other proposals: to strengthen the financial and human resources of the National Agency for Housing (Anah), which will distribute future premium; allow closed fireplaces and inserts to benefit from CITE for first-time acquisition (for the moment, it is reserved for equipment replacement); and align the premium amounts of the log with those of the pellet.

Going further will also, according to the SER, involve a larger financial commitment from the state, via including the heat fund and the carbon tax. But, in the same way as multiannual energy planning, this tax (also called climate-energy contribution, CCE) is suspended to what will come out of the citizen's convention established by the President of the Republic following the crisis. yellow vests. "The Government is hiding behind this convention that must tell us how to make this CEC more acceptable to citizens", explains the SER. The important point being of course that its revenues will have to go in favor of the financing of the energy transition, contrary to that envisaged in 2018, which triggered the most powerful social movement in France since May 1968.

A working group on wood energy?

The industry is also calling for the launch of a wood energy working group. An idea that is obviously of interest to the public authorities, who work however to define exactly its exact scope. Should we take into account the entire timber industry, including the forest part? The SER, for its part, asks that it be specifically focused on wood heating. No date for a launch potential is known for the moment.

solar: "The size of projects is not yet adapted to tenders"

In the case of connected solar renewable electricity, the figure of 390 MW is reached in the first half of 2019 (compared to 890 MW observed throughout 2018). In cumulative, France reaches 8,936 MW. However, efforts must be continued to install an additional 4 GW per year. "The size of the projects is not yet adapted to the tenders"Explains Jean-Louis Bal. Hence the proposal to establish an open window for installations of less than 500 kW and to facilitate access to land to facilitate the development of ground-based power plants.

The issue of biogas

In terms of wind power, projections from previous EPP were achieved, welcomes the SER. In the first half 2019, production stood at 528 MW (compared to 1,584 MW in 2018). The EPP project is 2 GW / year, an objective that seems achievable given the current pace. "We hope also that this program be adopted quickly", assures Jean-Louis Bal. With this, the assurance that an offshore wind volume of 1GW per year is allocated in 2020 and 2024 to avoid an air gap in the years 2021 and 2022. Finally, biogas, which is the other ongoing arbitration in PEP must be supported. "We are at 1 TWh, it should be 39 to 42 in 2030. The next EPP should support the goal of achieving 10% of gas consumption in 2030, which seems realistic."

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