raise your head. There is no time to rethink one's own and others' mistakes, to take it out on the referee and the jella. There is a disappointment, but in the end we would all sign to lose a game every seven. The important thing now is to find new certainties from the substitutes, from those who, until now, have been watching and now instead are called to not regret those who have always been there.
The damages of the purple Sunday in fact arrive mainly from absences. In one fell swoop, Fiorentina not only lost their unbeaten record, but also Ribery, Caceres and Lirola. Three titolatissimi of a team able to put on six consecutive useful results, three men difficult to replace above all for a wide rose yes, but also incomplete. In Reggio, then, it will also be in Montella to come up with something new. We need a tactical idea, perhaps more brazen, but at the same time capable of exploiting the favorable calendar. There is talk of a return to the four-man defense, to the trident seen at the beginning of the season and then set aside. For the Boateng Airplane it is better than Vlahovic, who in turn is ahead of Pedro: long live the Boa, even if so far, it must be said with honesty, Prince has not convinced. Too static and too cynical to be an attacker, too slow to undermine the defenses and hurt as a successor. The former Milan however has a great desire to impose himself, he suffered the bench and tonight he will have his chance not to fail: on the pitch he will have to be a driver and at the same time a bank to launch Chiesa, because the absence of Ribery will inevitably be a boulder. Franck is the champion who takes his companions by the hand, who sets the pace and sends you to the door when you least expect it. This is also why Montella will rely on Boateng, the only one with the temperament of FR7 in a team that is still rather unripe.
A very important evening also for two home-made boys, Sottil and Venuti, and for Benassi (Badelj's replacement, in clear difficulty against Lazio), who found himself making cobwebs on the bench as a purple top scorer. Especially for Sottil it can be a good evening to get back to being talked about: against Lazio he entered badly, he trusted his dribbles too much in a role that instead requires prudence. This time, however, Andrea's son will play in his natural position, as a pure winger, as an alter ego of the Church. He will be licensed to bet the man and give vent to his imagination. Sassuolo is a good team, De Zerbi wants a dribble and offensive kick, but behind he leaves a few holes too much and in addition against the viola he will have to rely on an almost improvised defensive line due to absences. In short, you can win again. In the stands, to believe it, there will be 1,400 purple fans (on Wednesday night!) And of course Commisso, who, between trips, TV, selfies and crowds, is still waiting to enjoy the first live victory.
After months of speaking, Della Valle also spoke again. Many will not be pleased, for some others they will be like empty words, without a shred of self-criticism, above all remembering the last years of purple worries, including illustrious assignments, misunderstandings and an increasingly depressing classification. On one thing, however, Diego is right to sell: "We left Fiorentina in good hands". And then strength Rocco. The accordion man who goes to the construction sites and challenges the bureaucracy. Florence is with him, without ifs or buts.
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