Referendum in Maine could block Hydro-Quebec line in the United States


Hydro-Quebec's project to export electricity to the United States could be the subject of a referendum in Maine during the next US elections in November 2020.

Maine citizens opposed to the project of the American partner of the state-owned company, Central Maine Power (CMP), have just received the green light to go ahead with a petition.

By the end of December, these opponents will have to collect 63,000 signatures from the citizens of Maine.

The Office of the Secretary of State of Maine has granted opponents of the New England Clean Energy Connect project (NECEC) the right to seek the support of the people.

CMP plans to build the 1,200-megawatt (MW) NECEC line in Maine at a cost of US $ 1 billion.

The NECEC line will allow Hydro-Quebec to export 9.45 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity per year for 20 years in Massachusetts.

If these opponents manage to collect 63,000 signatures, the state of Maine will add a question on the NECEC ballot in the next US federal election in November 2020.

A vote of 50% plus one vote would be needed to overturn the Maine Public Utilities Commission decision in favor of the NECEC project.

The contract with Massachusetts should bring Hydro-Quebec close to $ 10 billion in revenue over 20 years, or about $ 500 million a year.


As reported The newspaper recently, a major US energy producer is also challenging the Hydro-Quebec high-voltage line project with its Maine partner.

NextEra Energy Resources, which owns gas and oil-fired power plants in Northeastern America, argues that the NECEC project makes no sense.

NextEra Energy challenges an appeal to the Maine Supreme Court earlier this year by the Maine Public Utilities Board, which did not see fit to hear from gas producers as an alternative source of renewable energy. Hydro-Quebec.

Work to do

However, the portion is far from over for the NECEC project, while the proponents are yet to receive five approvals, including those from the Maine Community Services Board, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the Federal Department of Natural Resources. Energy.

If the NECEC project is rejected, Hydro-Quebec's $ 10 billion contract with Massachusetts will fall apart.

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