Dad explains that the child is scared and then everyone in the choir starts singing to calm him down – by Davide Frattini, correspondent from Jerusalem /TV Courier
Protests in Lebanon have now been going on for a week and for now they remain a great popular festival. The dances in the streets, the improvised deejay sets, the embrace between a demonstrating father and the military son on the other side of the barricade. There have been so many moments – and almost all taken by mobile phones – of euphoria, emotion, reconciliation (in a country where people still perceive themselves based on ethnic or religious affiliations, the same divisions that have fueled 15 years of civil war). Of these episodes, above all I was amused and moved: a mother tries to drive a road in Beirut blocked by a procession, explains that she wants to get to the cash quickly because the child sitting in front is frightened by the noise: at that point the protesters try to reassure him and all together start singing him
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