Special pensions
Pension at 57 years
It is possible to retire 5/10 years early through pension funds. But what are pension funds, what do they consist of? Let's see what it is and how it is possible to anticipate retirement by answering our readers' questions. Read the news here: Retiring at 57 with a pension fund, but what does it mean? The details
Pension with 41 years of contributions
Although it seems absurd in some cases to access the pension it is better to remain unemployed and pay voluntary contributions rather than accept a temporary contract after the Naspi losing the status of unemployed. Read the full news here: Pension with 41 years: better unemployed with voluntary contributions than with temporary contracts
Women's option in 2020
The Women's Option pension measure was extended also in 2020 even if the requisites are still unknown, specifically, employees with 58 years of age and self-employed women with 59 years of age who have acquired a contribution requirement can access the measure 35 years old. For the requirements for the year 2020 we reserve the right to understand how it will be structured, the indiscretions arrived make believe that the benefit will be extended to those born until 1961, if employees, or until 1960, if self-employed. The news here: Women's Pension Option 2020: contributory accumulation is a problem
Special on Citizenship Income
We have dealt in various other articles with the list of admitted expenses and those banned with the citizenship income card, but one of our readers asks us a specific question that could interest many other consumers and concerns, for the note, pellet heating. Read the full news here: Pellet heating: can you pay with citizenship income?
And here we are with the daily appointment on the information of the Income of citizenship, today we answer to our readers who follow us on whatsapp and e-mail with reference to the expiration, the factors that make us reject the Rdc and if there will be an increase for the epiphany, and if it is possible to pay the maintenance check to the former spouse with the card, we analyze the requests based on the latest news: Income of citizenship: rejected, deadline and increase to the epiphany, the news
The points of view, of course, may be divided, but the perception of citizenship income may also be preferred to the request for pension advance with voluntary Ape. It is good to say, however, that we are not talking about the same thing and that, precisely, the limits imposed by one are not present in the other. We try to understand by answering a question: Citizenship income or voluntary Ape, what is it worth?
Coins and their value
We try to understand how much the different coins in lire are worth, based on the specific year to understand if in the sale they can yield a nest egg or not. As we have often written, in recent times, in fact, there are many coins in lire that can have an important value even for collectors. Read the full news here: How much are the old liras of various sizes worth? Let's try to understand
Postal savings bonds
The simple 4-year savings postal savings bonds of Poste Italiane is one of the new types placed on the market. We analyze its characteristics and its returns. Read the full news here: Postal savings bonds 4 years simple savings: updated features and performance
All Taxation
Electronic invoices stamp
Automatic sanctions for stamp duty on electronic invoices established in fiscal decree 124/2019. News on penalties, for taxpayers who delay, omit or pay less than the amount of stamp duty due on electronic invoices, from 1 January 2020, the Inland Revenue will communicate the amount due, including reduced fine and interest (friendly notice ). If, after 30 days, the tax including penalties has not been paid, this will be entered as a definitive role. Read the news here: Stamp on electronic invoices, the sanctions arrive automatically after 30 days of delay
Big fiscal brother
There are many news in the next Budget maneuver, including an "Anonymometer" an instrument for combating tax evasion. There is a lot of curiosity, foreseen in the new Budget maneuver to overcome the strict privacy rules the anonymometer "or" evasometer
anonymous ", but what is it? Read the news here: The Big Brother of the Treasury begins with an anonymometer, a new invention: this is what it is about
Cut to 19% tax deductions
In the next Budget 2020 law, the tax deductions will be cut to 19% for large tax payers. This is a new measure that affects large tax payers, that is, those who declare over 120,000 euros in annual income. Read the full news here: Reduction of 19% tax deductions on school fees, life insurance policies, university tuition, changes in the budget law
All work
Open a franchise
In 2020 there are many popular activities for those who want to open their own franchise business, we go from Bio products to home delivery through service to animals. Franchising is conquering the world, research confirms the flourishing and vital period of this sector, attracting many young people willing to become entrepreneurs. Read the tips: 5 ideas to start your own business with the franchise
What is the risk of declaring false information about educational qualifications?
A recent judgment by the Court of Trapani stated that it is legitimate to dismiss a candidate who declares a false title on his or her educational qualifications. Specifically, the Court examined the case of a candidate who was dismissed for falsifying the title required for
taking. Read the news here: Assumption: what is at risk of declaring false on the degree
Salaries – school
A proposal in the bill that aims at the equalization of the salary between the teachers of various order and grade, was presented by Fausto Reciti, deputy of the PD, on October 18, 2019 in the Chamber. Read the proposal here: School: equal salary for all teachers
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