Turin – Two new destinations of Volotea from Turin, Lamezia Terme and Mykonos airports. They will be operated, respectively, twice a week from April and once a week from July, by the low-cost airline which thus brings the destinations from the Piedmontese capital to 9, for a total offer of 368,000 seats. Operative in Turin since 2013, Volotea has transported 770,000 passengers locally, 206,000 who flew this year from January to September, from the Turin airport, 49% more than the same period last year, with a load 96% factor. With the new flights, the offer of seats will increase by 31% next year. "The two new destinations of Volotea – highlights the ad of Turin Airport, Andrea Andorno – allow us to lay the foundations for a further expansion of the network and confirm that, thanks to strategic partners, it is possible to serve the Turin market better and better".
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