Milan – Unicredit rejects "immediately and forcefully" what he calls "serious and unfounded accusations" recently arrived from Moby. In a letter sent to the top management of the shipping company that the Ansa has examined, the institution acting as security agent, underlines that «in-depth analyzes are in progress about the evaluation of the damage caused, as well as the identification of the suitable actions directed to the protection reputation "of the bank, its officials and" the interests of its members ".
In the letter Unicredit reiterates that «no charge can be justifiably moved "to the bank and therefore rejects" any compensation claim. In this regard, among other things – writes the institute – we do not understand on what basis you can impute to us a responsibility for damages deriving from your possible defaults against Dfds, given that you have negotiated terms and conditions in total autonomy without taking into account the timing of the investigation due to the release of the guarantees. Preliminary investigation to be carried out – notes the bank – at a time when there was great attention by creditors on the situation of the group ". The group, in retracing the phases of the affair, recalls that as a Security Agent "it is immediately activated for the preliminary investigation phase functional to the delicate and complex evaluation, also activating the consultation with the lending banks" also receiving last October 17 " formal notice from the Bondholders not to release the mortgages on the "Moby Wonder" and the "Moby Aki" ». "The investigation – the letter reads – continued tightly, also through the respective legal advisors, who also met on October 25th to reiterate and integrate sharing the list of information – already requested on October 18 and almost ignored – and the documents needed to enable the assessment ». Finally, on 27 October, the company notified the bank of the list of clarifications it was willing to provide and the time needed to provide them. Unfortunately the decision of the Danish shipowner Dfds was taken and communicated – it is underlined in the letter – the day after and in this regard we understand your frustration and we share the displeasure ».
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