They will be held today, Friday 25 October, the little Leonardo's funeral, the five-year-old boy who died after a tragic fall in the stairwell of school Elementary U.K. Pirelli from via Goffredo da Bussero in Milan. The last goodbye to the child, who passed away Tuesday morning after the doctors had tried in every way to save him for four days, will be held at 2.45 pm at the church of San Giovanni Battista alla Bicocca in Viale Fulvio Testi, as announced by his parents, Alessandra and Giuseppe. The elementary school will not interrupt the lessons for the ceremony, but the students and staff will observe a minute of silence.
The parish priest: A tragic fate, I don't think it's someone's fault
The parish priest who will celebrate mass, don Giuseppe Buraglio, spoke of what happened saying that he believed it was a fatality. "I don't think it was anyone's fault – he told Adnkronos -. It's difficult for a teacher or a caretaker to keep up with all the children. I don't think they were abandoned, I think it was a matter of a moment. A sad fatality, but I also believe that the magistrates will shed light on the matter ".
The letter from the teacher to the parents: I do nothing but think of you
After days of silence, while the investigations are underway for the hypothesis of culpable homicide, one of the child's teachers wanted to send words of condolence. Either by entrusting to his lawyer a message addressed to his family, either by writing directly to Leonardo's mother with a letter sent to Corriere della Sera. "Since Friday all I do is think of you, to you, from mum to mum ", the teacher writes," I am 47 years old, from 24 I do this job of support teacher, the most beautiful in the world, with an enormous responsibility of which for the first time in my life I feel everything weight. Hours pass and an unbearably loud silence plagues my heart. It is nothing compared to the pain you feel. "
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