In the United States, spending money is worth it


According to a survey by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants taken over by the New York Times, American children and teens receive an average of $ 30 per week of pocket money, or about 27 euros.

To receive this $ 120 a month, young people have to work: 52% of the parents surveyed consider that spending money must reward the accomplishment of some household chores.

Those whose emoluments are the counterpart to a participation in domestic chores provide an average of 5.1 hours of work per week, or a fee of about $ 6 per hour. This figure is up 38% from a previous survey conducted in 2016; over the same period, average US wages grew by only 10.5%.

The situation is very different in France. A survey conducted for Fortuneo Online Banking in 2017 revealed that the average monthly budget for spending money was 47 euros (11.75 euros per week).

In 2018, the firm GFK argued that the sum was 7.83 euros per week, ranking France far behind Hong Kong (19.53 euros), Singapore (15.79 euros), the United Kingdom (14.57 euros) ) or Spain (11.42 euros). The Parisian did not hesitate to talk about the crisis in the piggy banks and pointed out the changes in the relationship of children, teenagers and their families to money.

In France, non-marketable chores

French parents do not make spending money on household chores: according to a recent poll by Poll & Roll, 71% oppose it, although the payment of more exceptional work is common.

"The remuneration of some household chores should not be confused with pocket money, which remains a gift and not a salary or a salary.commented psychologist Laurence Peltier. In any case, the so-called traditional tasks are not marketable: they contribute to the daily functioning of the family, to the empowerment of the child and to his learning of social life. "

In the United States, as in France, and no doubt elsewhere, it is the educational virtues of pocket money that are put forward. It is often a first contact with the monetary thing, the management of a budget or even savings.

Classical banks and specialized neobanques, such as Xaalys, Kard or Pixpay, offer solutions to support young people in this apprenticeship.

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