A colossal task that brings together under one roof computer systems that do not necessarily communicate with each other. Not to mention the mix of genres between public and private companies, which could cause some sparks. But service mobility and the fight against pollution deserve everyone's effort.

" This route calculator will make life easier for Parisians by enabling them to buy a wide range of mobility services online. "Says Valérie Pécresse, president of the Ile-de-France region and patron of IDFM. It is a question of proposing to Parisians and Parisians mobility passport In Ile-de-France.
The future application, simply called My Mobility (a professional version will also be proposed), will inform the user of all travel options with all modes of transport for a given route, all with a single account to access all the mobilities. The application will be available next year. It should look like the TAC Mobilities app that offers an equivalent service for Annemasse.
This Goliath transport in Ile-de-France will require the creation of an information platform in which will be aggregated the data of " all modes of transport for the region ". All actors are invited to participate to feed the databases. IDFM will invest 40 million euros in the creation of this platform.
In the meantime, IDFM and RATP will test for six months the MaaX application (Mobility as an Experience) to 2,000 people who will use it to organize their transport in Ile-de-France. A dozen transport service providers are present. Service mobility is really in tune with the times. Uber has recently integrated into its application a function Public transport which makes it possible to organize a route with the different transports of the RATP.
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