"Ibrahimovic at Napoli for now is just an idea, but it could soon become a real possibility"


The director of Tmw Radio, Niccolò Ceccarini, addressed the market issues on the Tuttomercatoweb columns. Here are his words: "Ibrahimovic at Napoli for now is just an idea, but soon it could also become a real possibility. It is clear that such a strong player can only be coveted, especially considering that his contract will expire on 31 December is a great opportunity, because despite the 38 years Zlatan has the spirit and the desire of a boy and is always decisive, he is a winner of nature, able to make the difference De Laurentiis has always had a weakness for champions and Ibra is one of these, plus there is the great relationship with Carlo Ancelotti, born when they both found themselves working together in Paris, and this is another element in favor, but then there are other aspects to consider "The first is the engagement node, the other not secondary concerns Milik. It is clear that Ibra's is an expensive operation even if it would be limited in time. At the Los Angeles Galaxy Zlatan earns 6.5 million euros, the Naples is far from this figure and therefore a mutual effort would be needed. The idea of ​​the blue club is a one and a half year contract. His eventual arrival however would definitely close the doors to Milik. Ibrahimovic is a proprietor, history and numbers speak for him. The Polish striker would thus have fewer opportunities and even his management would not be simple. In short, Napoli must make its own assessments, even if the truth is that at the moment the negotiation for Ibrahimovic has not begun. Soon, however, it could go live. We just have to wait. Meanwhile, Icardi is increasingly taking the Paris Saint Germain. As soon as he regained his physical condition, Maurito returned to being decisive: three goals in the Champions League and 2 in Ligue 1. And this is only the beginning. Icardi immediately became part of Tuchel's schemes. In addition there is to add that these will be the last months of Cavani with the Paris shirt. In June the roads will separate and the leadership of the French club is convinced that Icardi is the right solution for the future. In short, if there are no twists and turns the road is marked. As of today the will is to exercise the option for the right of redemption, which is 70 million euros. And this is excellent news for Inter. The Nerazzurri club could count on a figure of 90 million, the result of the sale of Icardi and that of Gabigol to Flamengo. An important treasure for another big blow in midfield in the summer.



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