This record conviction is part of a context of tougher justice for doctors. According to MACSF, 69% of civil court decisions resulted in convictions in 2018.
Infant epilepsy
The general practitioner, convicted under his professional liability, had examined a seven-month-old baby for gastroenteritis. The condition of the child then deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized. This child is now suffering from West Wound Syndrome, a peculiar form of infantile epilepsy, leading to a major intellectual deficit, motor disorders and difficult-to-balance epilepsy.
Compensation up 24% from 2017
If this file is the one which involves the biggest compensation, the year 2018 was marked overall by a firm justice towards the medical professions, notes the MACSF. "The year 2018 was marked by a great severity of the magistrates, both in the recognition of the responsibility of the health professionals involved (69% of the civil decisions result in a conviction) than in the amount of compensation allocated (+ 24% compared to 2017)"details Nicolas Gombault, Deputy CEO of MACSF group in a statement."No specialty is spared. As an example, the first time that MACSF-Le Sou Médical records a conviction of a general practitioner superior to 10 million euros"he continues.
Surgery, general medicine and anesthesia-reanimation
In total, the group reports 446 decisions of civil and criminal justice involving 762 health professionals and / or care institutions, including 471 doctors.
The sectors with the highest compensation costs are general medicine with 21.5 million euros, obstetrics and gynecology with 11.5 million, surgery with 8 million and psychiatry with 1.2 million. And the most frequently implicated specialties are surgery, general medicine and anesthesia-resuscitation.
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