Samsung advises smartphone users Galaxy Note10, 10+ and Galaxy S10, S10 +, and S10 5G, to "erase all existing fingerprints", before saving them again, the company said in a press release on Friday. .
The problem is related to some silicone screen protectors, which disrupt fingerprint sensors, detailed Samsung, calling to "avoid" to use these protections "until the software update, which must be published starting next week".
Thursday, the South Korean giant had assured that it would very soon launch a correction update, without being able to clarify the cause of this fault, unveiled at the beginning of the week by a British.
The owner, who owns an S10, told The Sun daily that her smartphone could be unlocked by someone else simply by using a screen protector to deflect the fingerprint recognition.
The world leader in the smartphone market, Samsung introduced its new sensor as "revolutionary".
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