Me Two. The whistleblowing movement launched in 2017 in the wake of the Weinstein affair "celebrates" its two years. A symbolic date for Alyssa Milano, one of the first actresses to be released from silence and instigator of the movement, and who has just told another story that occurred early in his career.
Since April, Phoebe's interpreter in the series Charmed launched a baptized podcast Sorry Not Sorry. It reviews social, political and cultural news. In "MeToo Anniversary", the last episode on Monday, she returned to a rape that she says she suffered in 1993.
"I want to use this birthday to tell you my Hollywood MeToo story. I shared others, but never this one publicly. It was at least 25 years ago, but it's still very hard to talk about itSays Alyssa Milano. "The year following the arrest of Madame is served (series in which she played, ed), I worked hard to detach myself from the child star box on the television in which I had been stowed. At the time it meant accepting roles with scenes of love and sexShe says.
In one of the movies, she has to play a sexual scene with a 17-year-old senior. "It's almost always the case, a younger girl with an older man. But the professionals know how to manage this kind of situation, without exceeding the limits and by establishing a very important degree of confidence". Yet, everything would not have gone as planned. "He took advantage of a moment of total vulnerability to put his hand under my underwear and try to get his fingers inside me. He raped me, on a set with cameras that were spinning"She says in a panting voice.
He took advantage of a moment of total vulnerability to put his hand under my underwear. (…) He raped me, on a set with cameras that were spinning
Alyssa Milano
Petrified, she recounts being returned to her caravan while crying. "I am sorry. I do not know what you want me to do for that. Should I call the police?Would have come to ask the director. But Alyssa Milano did nothing, explaining that "all eyes were focusedOn her, and that the future of the film rested on her shoulders. "I felt trapped, alone, and not supported by production. So I went back on the set to shoot the scene for an hour, with the man who had just abused me sexually"She adds.
Without ever naming it, she specifies that thispredatorIs still part of the film industry and continues to play in high-profile films. "I will not name it today, although I would like. I wish he felt the same panic as me when I returned to the set. But this predator has a wife and children and I do not want them to be concerned"She says.
Alyssa Milano explains that she does not want to continue to be a victim by telling the truth about this man. "But I should not be the one frightened by the consequences, as no woman should be because she tells the truthShe concludes.
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